This program is not useable on a Mac running 10.7.4. I tried adjusting the display resolution with no luck, either. There are probably other sections that don't correctly display words, but I don't have the time to chase them all down.

Another thing I noticed is that when you are in the practice session where there is a window that looks like a black board showing 10 different practice names, the lines are bunched together and so are the words. Also when you create a user name that after you type each character, the letters are bunched together and you can barely make out the name. It should say "No update was found for this application".

The window about updates that pops up when you first launch the program has the words all bunched together and is unreadable. Just installed SpongBob Squarepants Typing on a new MacBook Pro with Retina display running Mac OS 10.7.4.