Toph's blindness and the others in Team Avatar forgetting about it is played for laughs even more than usual.
Pure Toilet Humor, but when Sokka's picked up his new pet messenger hawk and discovers the group is in serious trouble.and then the new hawk craps on his hand.She pretends that a rich man's carriage had hit her and Sokka comes out pretending to be a police (along with his beard)! The man pays him off, and only until the bags nearly reach Sokka's chin does he give him a good-natured wink. Finally, Toph invents insurance fraud.Another has her earthbend a hammer so it breaks the bell on a strength game.One scam has Toph throw some rock sticks with carvings on the sides, and when one looks like it wouldn't roll in her favor, she simply tilts her head and it falls where she wants it.Cut to him joyfully flipping some coins on his arms as they run off to do more scams. Aang making an "Avatar promise" to Katara that they wouldn't pull any more scams.Sokka's squeak of horror when Toph tells the gambler she'd play again for forty silver pieces and Sokka's sword.And Katara goes buggy-eyed ◊ (complete with audible eyebrow twitch) in response."What's the matter? Can't handle a little dirt, Madam Fussybritches?" Toph's inflection on the nickname is the icing on the cake.Katara: (annoyed) Oh, Sokka, just hold hands! Sokka: Well, technically speaking, there's no evidence th. Turns out that's a useful skill because the Gaang is unbelievably bored and disorganized while Sokka's off training with Piandao. At the beginning of the episode, Sokka is putting himself down because all he does is plan and crack jokes while the others can bend.Piandao's reactions to Sokka's training can be summed up as Sure, Let's Go with That incarnate.The best part about the landscape painting is Piandao's bemused, "You added a rainbow.".Piandao rolls with it and asks for one too. And then he asks Piandao's butler for a cold drink. The calligraphy and the painting, but also the bit where Sokka uses the rock garden to his advantage by.making himself a chair.Meta example: The armor was meant as a Take That! to Executive Meddling calling for an armored Aang that could be made into an action figure.The fact that the armor is child-sized.What really sells it is the music playing in the background until he falls over.It would be like Frodo wearing Sauron's armor. Followed by a small montage of Sokka trying out all of the different weapons with hilarious consequences.You do? ( Gilligan Cut to a weapons shop) ( clapping his hands excitedly) SHOPPING!
Katara: I know something that'll cheer you up.